Thanks to Tony Went

Thanks to Mike Flanigan

I've got
a story you may enjoy. That Lizzy show was a huge night to remember for
me. AC/DC was the warm up band and they absolutely brought down the
house that eve. Thin Lizzy had a very rough night. Let me say that I'm a
much bigger fan of Phil and The Boys than I am an AC/DC fan but on this
night Phil and Gary in particular were having a sound troubles. I was
expecting Robbo and Brian Downey and upon Lizzy taking the stage I was
wondering who the new guys were. I walked away from the show thinking
two things.
1) AC/DC blew them off the stage and 2) I had to find out everything and
anything about Gary Moore!. He was jaw droppingly good BUT I've also
never seen anyone get so angry on stage as he did that eve. Like I said,
AC/DC had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands. Bon put
Angus on his shoulders and carried him out into the crowd and up into
the balcony whilst still jamming. The crowd ate it up and Thin Lizzy had
a very tough act to follow. Unfortunately they were having technical
difficulties that eve. Phil's bass didn't sound right in the mix and
they struggled from the get go to adjust the sound but Gary Moore's
performance left a lasting impression. He was absolutely on fire. I was
a 17 year old at the time and I'd already seen the likes of Iommi,
Blackmore, Brian May, Buck Dharma, Ted Nugent, Alex Lifeson and had
recently seen Van Halen no less than 4 times in one year on their first
tour across America but what I saw out of Gary Moore had me convinced
that he was as good if not better than all of them. Here is where it
gets interesting though, Not once but twice Gary's guitar cut out on him
while he was soloing.
The first time it happened he was visibly angry but a roadie got things
squared away. The second time it happened was during his extended solo
during Me & The Boys Are Wondering...and he came unglued. He literally
took off his Les Paul (don't recall exactly which one) and threw it at a
roadie. Not figuratively, he literally threw it at him. Hard! And then
he walked off the stage and let the band finish the song. The roadies
got things squared away, again, and he came back out but they wrapped up
the show quickly from there. To this day I've got every recording that
either Phil or Gary have appeared on. Two of my all time favorites and
while I wish I could have caught the band on a really good night instead
of a troubled one, it's a performance I'll never forget.
Take care, Mike Flanigan |